August 13, 2013

Meet Guest Blogger Belle! Fighting Stage 4 Since 2011 & Still SO FULL of Life!

About me.  I’m a stay at home living the dream in southwest Washington State.  That is I was, living the dream that is, until I heard those dreaded words in the recovery room “we found a mass, and we’re pretty sure it’s cancer”.  That was in the fall of 2007, and I’m still fighting the fight.  When cancer isn’t pissing in my Cheerios, I try to do whatever I can to experience life, help others and enjoy life with my husband, two kids and friends.  Add to that a lazy house cat, a 5 month old standard “parti” poodle and a 16 year old Border Collie and cancer aside, my life is good.

I was diagnosed as stage 3c rectal cancer.  After 9 months of treatment I was declared cancer free.  Almost 3 years post diagnoses though, my routine PET scan lit up and a recurrence in my lungs was confirmed.  I’ve been on the “chemo for life” program since February of 2011.  It sucks and I hate it, but you do what you have to do.

Some of the things that bring me the most joy – with friends and family topping the list, are wine tastings, cooking, canning (yes, the old fashioned kind), organic gardening and travel.  I am passionate about spreading the word about colorectal cancer in whatever ways I can and my writing is one way of doing this.  I’ve been to D.C. several times in the past couple of years to talk to our State Senators and Representatives offices about the importance of funding for cancer research, screening and awareness programs and hope to have the opportunity to do more in that regard.

I’ll be turning 50 this year.  Time for the average Joe’s and Jane’s to get their first colonoscopy.  I’ll be happy to just turn 50.  Living with cancer isn’t what any of us wanted, but some find that is our path.  I’m much more than a person with cancer.  I’m a mother, I’m a friend, I’m an advocate.  I love experiencing new things, meeting new people and living life to the fullest extent possible.  I’ve always lived this way and although cancer may have altered my path, it hasn’t put me in the ground just yet.  Until it does, I’m going to do as much living as I possibly can.

** keep reading below for Belle's blog posting **


  1. really, REALLY, happy to find other bloggers diagnosed with rectal cancer.
    I'm at the beginning of my diagnosis. Just completed radiation and am focused on slowing down summer (surgery date of september 11th.) Chemo for life - damn that sucks, but yes, we do what we have to do.

  2. Thanks Green Monkey! I couldn't agree more, we do what we have to!! xo

  3. I am sad to say Belle has passed. She fought the good fight! God bless you, Belle. You can now rest in peace.
